
4 Reasons you Should be Listening to the Church Royalty Podcast
Aug 10, 2021

If you are thinking I'm completely biased and shouldn't be writing this article, you might be right, BUT I will say that I'm often my biggest skeptic and God has showed up in every single of the conversations we have had on the show. 

We have had youth pastors, senior pastors, pastors of small church and pastors of mega church satellite campuses. We have had men from all across America who have followed the Lord down roads they knew they were called, but couldn't see all the way. 

Every episode is full of faithful testimonies that will inspire, encourage and restore your faith in the men of God who lead American churches. 

1. You will find a new love for church leaders across America:

We are skeptical and critical, often looking for flaws in what we see as a broken system. Listening to these anointed and called men of God share their heart for their churches and Christians across the country ministers to deep parts of your soul. 

2. You will find hope in the bride of Christ, flawed as she is:

When are eyes are fixed on people you lose hope, but when you hear shepherds talk about their sheep you are moved with compassion for the sheep. When you hear someone share the love they have for someone you are moved to love. We need more of this feeling. 

3. There are so many godly men whose voice you may never hear otherwise:

This one really trips me out!! I never knew some of these men and if we had never heeded our call to go forward in ministry, I'd never know the hearts after God that live and breath for their Savior alone. In the same respect, if you don't listen to them, you will miss the sweet blessing of knowing these men (Season 1: Pastors) too. 

4. We share some hard truths that it is time you hear:

We ask tough questions and discuss painful topics. They are conversations that need to be both had and heard. Many of our episodes stir as much conviction as they do hope. 

Not a podcast person? Boy do I get that, but trust me, you want to be. 

Want to listen? Here you go! 

Thank you so much for sharing your time with us. Did you know it will only take 2000 Christians (out of 67 million professing believers in the U.S.!!) donating $1000 each to fund our facilities project?! Be 1 of the 1965 people left who help us reach our financial goal!

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook for our live videos and follow us on Instagram for weekly encouragement!

This post was written by Nickole Perry, co-founder and Director of Operations at Cedar Creek Ministries.

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